
Entry 5

Happy Friday everyone! It's good the be alive! The campus has been pretty quiet these past few days. I woke up last night to a few gun shots. Out here in Middle of Nowhere, Georgia, it isn't uncommon to hear gun shots. It is usually hunters. If it were hunters, I hope they know that it isn't even deer season. Besides, it is illegal to spot-light deer at night. Not that I hunt. Hell no! Ben hunts all the time. He doesn't use a gone though. He uses a compound crossbow. He says it is harder than hunting with a gun, levels the playing field ever so slightly. Whatever. I rather buy my meat at the grocery store. Let someone else do the killing.

In other news, I was able to get in touch with a couple of my friends. Jeremy doesn't live on campus; he lives with his folks. When they got sick, Jeremy took care of them. He didn't think it was serious until his father developed boils, his fever was so high. So, Jeremy took his parents to the hospital right before everything went nuts. Later, that night, he heard what was happening on the news. He decided against going to the hospital. He isn't paranoid about conspiracies, like my dad. He just hates hospitals. Anyway, I called him yesterday morning and gave him shit for not calling me back. Turns out he was bored stiff by himself. I invited him to hang out in the dorm until this all blows over. After all, there is no one to really bitch at me about having a boy in a girls dorm. Too bad Ben is so sick. Or at least, I hope he is. I know that sounds weird, but I rather him be sick than dead. Jeremy hasn't mentioned his parents. I decided it better not to bring it up.
Along with Jeremy, we had a couple of Amber's friends come over from the other dorms. When she said booze, there was no keeping them away. It isn't so boring now with Heather and Megan. Teamed up with Amber, it is a never ending party. Of course, Jeremy is loving it all. Only guy with four hot girls. Things couldn't be better for him at the moment. It is just a huge stew pot of hormones.

There's more gun shots now. When I look out my little cell window, I can't see much. I have kind of tuned out the gun shots. If it doesn't end soon, I will have to call the cops and complain. We do have a noise ordinance in this town, after all.


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