
Entry 8

Hello everyone! Yes, we are still alive! I hope you are as well... I guess you wouldn't be reading this if you weren't. Oh, nevermind.
We happen to still have electricity AND running water. BAM! We are pretty lucky. I guess there are a few spots in the US that are still safe, my dorm being one of them. Google, AT&T and MTV must have some damn near impenetrable bunkers. We have been surfing the net today and chatting with other survivors. There are websites springing up all over the place with blogs and video blogs of other survivors. Of course, Facebook is still as invincible as ever. It is nice to go on there an update your status, even if it is "It's been  a good day. Didn't get eaten."
Speaking of Facebook, rumor is the dead are returning to life, something to do with the virus. That's right...


Jeremy bitches every time I say the "Z" word (as he calls it). I guess it is bad luck. I'm sorry, but I think we can stop worrying about bad luck.

We went exploring on the first floor today. What was one or two...thingies...a couple of days ago, became a swarm of...thingies (got to think of a better word). They keep beating on the front and back doors, the windows, the walls. If you listen hard enough, it sounds a little bit like Bieber's song "Baby"...or the "Friday" song, I can't decide.

Heather totally freaked out. "What if they get in?"

I responded, "They won't. The doors are armed with keypad entry. Besides, even if they weren't, the things would have to figure out the sign on the door says "pull". So far, all they have been doing is beat, pound, and push."

Heather nodded nervously, then ran back upstairs. The rest of us reinforced the windows with the interior doors from the dorms.

After doing all the work, we went back upstairs and just hung out. Not much to do besides watching movies, the few channels that are still up and running, and surf the web. If I don't die from being eaten by my undead college amigos, I will die from boredom.

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